About Playing Up
"If you do only one thing this week, then go to The Mission Theatre, Bath to see Playing Up Theatre Company...the cast excelled in not wasting a single line..." Sardines on Black Comedy (2022)
Launched in 2003, Bath-based Playing Up Theatre Company has built a justified reputation for delivering thought-provoking, entertaining and charismatic productions. We delight in welcoming our loyal and growing support base to a wide range of shows which regularly sell out. Firmly dedicated to the idea that live theatre should teach us all something, we pride ourselves on updating texts with a modern twist and a fresh approach.
Playing Up has built a strong reputation for acting excellence in performing plays that are relevant to GCSE and A Level students, whether they are curriculum set texts or works by acclaimed practitioners and playwrights. We have welcomed students from across the UK and even the continent to our productions, offering workshops, discussions with Director and cast and teaching resources.
The company draws on the expertise and skills of teachers, directors, professional and ex-professional actors and technicians with decades of experience in theatre between us. This ranges from pantomime to open air Shakespeare, medieval street theatre to musicals, Greek tragedy to farce. Our experience of different staging styles ranges from theatre in the round to traverse, thrust stage to proscenium arch, static open air to mobile street performances. We have worked for other companies, professional and amateur, large and small and performed in theatres in Bristol, Bath, Stroud, London, Winchester and Cornwall.
Playing Up holds a shared ethos that theatrical productions should invariably be thought provoking, often challenging and delivered with a degree of professionalism that makes being in or watching one of our shows an experience you will want to repeat.